The key objectives are:
- Ensure a leap forward in user’s confidence, functionalities and energy efficiency of future EVs
This means that future EVs meet the user’s expectations in terms of vehicle characteristics and usability. For example: reliability, affordability, driving range, range prediction, charging station availability, overall trip time and especially convenience of long range travel and comfort under all ambient conditions and traffic situations.
For this purpose, the following novel connected functionalities will be realised:
- Reliable range prediction, i.e. > 97% accurate (< 3% deviation) and estimated time of arrival (< 3 min deviation) in one hour before planned arrival time with the exception of the instantaneous occurrence of rare incidents during the journey;
- Eco-routing, e. the most economic route based on range prediction and connectivity. The potential energy savings per trip range from 5% to 15% with respect to the shortest path and the fastest path;
- Eco-driving, e. the most economic driving style for the selected route. This is based on eco-trip planning, connectivity, proximity sensors and radar. It is anticipated that the eco-coaching advisor will help the driver to save 20% in average compared to the situation in which the driver drives without such advisor;
- Smart Fast Charging. This is most optimal charging pattern, based on trip characteristics, driver preferences, battery system, (fast) charging infrastructure along the selected route and the capabilities of on-board systems;
- Assured Charging. This refers to the vehicles’ ability to reliable and timely plan a (fast) charging slot utilising cloud-based infrastructure maps and services.
The combination of the functionalities a, d and e enables long(er) distance trips with minimal additional travel time due to charging. The capabilities of these novel connected functionalities will have a great impact on the user convenience and users confidence and will largely increase the trust in future EVs.